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Clinics & Training

Susan Scofield

K9Mushing 101 - 102 Classes

Each year our club puts together classes where you can learn how fun and easy it is to run dogs. 

K9Mushing 101

Class room setting with instructors that will teach you all about the sport.

Topics Discussed: - Learn about the dogs - The gear - The methods - Best practices - Risks involved

Hands on with gear and tow vehicles in the parking lot after class.

Everything from scooters, skateboards, bikes, carts, and dog sleds.

Humans only at this class.

K9Mushing 102

In the Field Instruction.

Practice on the Trail what you learned in Mushing 101 with your dog and seasoned runners.

More hands on with the gear and tow vehicles in the parking lot after class.

Everything from scooters, skateboards, bikes, carts, and dog sleds.

Maximum of 2 dogs allowed per tow vehicle driver

If you do not have all your gear yet, no problem.  Let us know BEFORE the day of the class and we can set you up with what you need.

Want more info? 

Check out our K9Mushing 101 - 102 Page for more details and event fliers.


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