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Beginners Perspective - Snoqualmie Valley Trail

Julie Cox

“Hold on tight, have fun, and try not to look like an idiot!” Those were the thoughts I had before starting my first ‘official’ dog scooter fun run on May 18th. I arrived at the meeting place on Iron Horse Trail a bit nervous but a lot excited. What led me to Iron Horse Trail to begin with? Two years ago, I adopted my dog Thrace from German Shepherd Rescue. Since then, I have spend countless hours trying to find something we could do together which would meet two basic requirements- one, I had to like it, and two, it had to wear my dog out! Having tried dog obedience, dog parks, Frisbee, and jogging, I was eventually directed (thank you Google!) to the website k9scootersnw. My first thought after viewing the images of happy people biking and/or scootering with their dogs was that it looked like a lot of fun, but who really did such things? After Saturday’s fun run, I have the answer- people like me!

Several people were at Iron Horse Trail that morning; all of them seasoned veterans and either on scooters or bikes. I had no idea that the area had so many scooter enthusiasts! The group started out at 8:30 sharp, after a reminder to take things slow in the already hot weather. My German shepherd, Thrace, took off like a rocket even though I tried to hold her back. I thought for sure that I was going to fall off the scooter that had been generously loaned to me. Thankfully, though, I was able to keep going and made it through unscathed. What a blast! So much beautiful scenery flew by as I was silently reminding myself that I have health insurance. My dog was the happiest I’ve seen her since adopting her from German Shepherd Rescue two years ago. She even got along well with the other dogs, a minor miracle considering that she has been known to have ‘doggy attitude’ at times. I had so much fun talking with the other people and just enjoying being outside with my happy girl that before I knew it the fun run was over.

Everyone was very encouraging and supportive, with lots of great tips and extra patience for a beginner’s endless questions. I’m really looking forward to the next time I can go out and scooter, and as for my dog?

She actually slept on the ride home!


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