Fun Runs

Fun Runs are an opportunity to get out and run with your dog on a variety of trails. Rail to trail systems, park trails, logging roads, paved or dirt, all offer an opportunity to exercise your dog, and at the same time to socialize with other dog people, and to enjoy our beautiful Pacific Northwest.
Fun runs are generally 2-5 miles, but can be longer or shorter depending on weather and trail conditions. There is a host for each run, who will provide all information needed to participants. A RSVP is required. The Club asks for a $5 donation on these runs, which helps pays for this webpage and trophies at the end of the year. There are generally scooters, lines and harnesses available for loan, if you would like to check out our sport.
Often we will have a newcomer arrive at the end of the run, which gives us time to explain how this whole thing works, and then to take the dog and driver out on a short run.
Dogs learn to focus, to ignore trail side distractions, develop confidence and a rapport with the driver who, at the same time, is learning to watch the dog's gait, physical and mental condition, and the dog's general comfort with the activity. This is an organic process, as ability and confidence develop over time.
Plan to arrive 15-30 minutes ahead of the departure time to allow for the harnessing up process and brief trail meeting. Always carry water for your dog. Hydration is key, and one should not feed their dog before the run. Instead, offer 1-2 cups of water, one to two hours before the run. This water should be baited with cat food, tuna, sardines, or some juicy item that will encourage your dog to drink. Pulling an individual on a bike or scooter is WORK and the dog will be burning calories. The most important thing is to keep that dog cool and comfortable, and that begins at home with pre run hydration. The driver needs to wear long pants, sturdy shoes, long sleeved shirt or jacket and a HELMET. You cannot participate in Club sponsored runs without a helmet. Gloves, elbow and knee guards can add additional protection.
See our Events Calendar for the latest scheduled Fun Run dates along with any Newbie Days we have scheduled.